Our Fabulous New Guest Bloggers!
- Dear She News
- 26/02/16
Our Fabulous New Guest Bloggers!
As many of you know, Dear She uses our blog primarily to published our featured letters that get submitted anonymously to us. One of the main goals of Dear She is to give people a safe place to express themselves and share their story with others. We do this in hopes that our collected experiences will help each other through whatever struggles we face in life. The letters are a protected space and we LOVE how open you all feel you can be within that format. But we wanted to provide an opportunity for give those that want it a little more voice.
Dear She is happy to introduce GUEST BLOGGING to the Dear She website. In keeping with the expressive nature of Dear She, our bloggers can write about anything they think will positively contribute to our audience. We want to bring you guys a variety of voices and opinions. We want you to feel like you can always find someone to relate to at Dear She. Someone who’s story resonates with you. Someone who is talking about current events that concern you. Someone who just genuinely seems like a person you would want to talk to! Each person who has been a part of Dear She by writing a letter has had different life experiences and has a voice that is uniquely their own. We want to give those voices a megaphone!
So, do you want to be a guest blogger? Do you have more to say than your anonymous letter could support? Want to tell a real life story? Want to share art work, photography, poetry, videos, anything with us? Want to write about politics, feminism, boy troubles, girls troubles, friends, school, LIFE?!? Well, we want to listen! Email us at hello.dearshe@gmail.com, send us a message in the contact section on our site or on our Facebook page, Tweet us, hit us up on Instagram, make a smoke signal! Do whatever you gotta do, we would LOVE to hear from you! As long as you can keep your posts fairly clean (you know we’re chill with a little swearing) we want to hear what you have to say!
Our first guest blogger is a lovely and talented young lady that is an incredible advocate for the NEDA movement. Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter (@dearshe_) and Instagram (@_dearshe) so you don’t miss a thing!
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